GreenLight laser prostate surgery
GreenLight laser prostate surgery is an innovative procedure to remove extra prostate tissue using lasers.
- Also called laser prostate surgery
- Treatment for an enlarged prostate
- One night in hospital with full recovery in two to four weeks
- Minimally invasive treatment that limits side effects
What is GreenLight laser surgery for?
GreenLight laser surgery is a relatively new treatment for an enlarged prostate. This is when the prostate has grown unusually large, also called:
- Benign prostatic hyperplasia
- Benign prostate enlargement
Laser prostate surgery can help relieve the uncomfortable symptoms of an enlarged prostate that get in the way of everyday life.
These can include…
- Finding it difficult to urinate
- Getting up in the night to pass urine
- Urine flow that stops and starts a lot when urinating
The symptoms are caused by your prostate growing in size and pressing on the tube (urethra) that carries urine from your bladder.
GreenLight laser surgery can help ease symptoms by using lasers to remove extra prostate tissue. This technique also reduces bleeding compared to surgery, making it suitable for people who use blood-thinners.
This procedure might be right for you if:
- You want to stop taking medicines for your symptoms
- You have trouble emptying your bladder and use a catheter
- You want to avoid surgery
- You want to maintain your sexual function (erections and ejaculation)

“GreenLight laser uses high-powered energy beams to vaporise excess tissue and seal blood vessels to minimise bleeding,”
How does GreenLight laser compare to other treatments?
– Mr Alan Doherty, Clinical Director, Birmingham Prostate Clinic
Laser surgery is a new treatment, but initial studies support it as giving similar results to traditional surgery.
There’s no cutting, which helps to reduce side effects and risk linked with traditional surgery. Laser surgery can also offer faster recovery.
Why choose Birmingham Prostate Clinic?
We are a leading group of urological and cancer experts, with a seamless pathway for personalised prostate treatments.
As a large team of specialists, our consultants are experienced in a wide range of treatments for enlarged prostates.
This means we have a unique perspective for comparing each option. We can help you decide if laser surgery or an alternative treatment is right for you, to help you find the best way to relieve your prostate symptoms.
What to expect from GreenLight laser surgery
“With GreenLight laser, we suddenly had a treatment that could deliver reliable and effective treatment safely.”
– Mr Alan Doherty, Clinical Director, Birmingham Prostate Clinic
GreenLight laser surgery is carried out in hospital where you’ll usually stay overnight.
- On the day, a nurse will check your vitals and help you prepare for the procedure
- Next, your surgeon and anaesthetist will visit you, and you’ll have the opportunity to ask any questions
- You’ll be given a general anaesthetic, which means you’ll be asleep for the procedure
- Once you’re asleep, the surgeon gently inserts a thin metal tube through the urethra, which is fitted with a light, camera and the laser
- Lasers carefully remove enough of your prostate so that your urine will be able to flow well
- The laser closes off any blood vessels to minimise bleeding
- After, your consultant inserts a tube called a catheter through your penis into your bladder, to let urine drain while your bladder recovers
- The whole procedure takes 60 to 90 minutes
- You’ll wake up in the recovery room feeling sleepy from the anaesthetic
- The catheter is left in place to help you urinate normally
- You may be given antibiotics to prevent any infections
- You’ll usually be able to go home the next day
- You should be able to get back to all your normal activities within two to four weeks, but you can usually start driving again after 24-48 hours
What are the risks of the procedure?
One common side effect of the procedure is that you may have dry orgasms, where the sensation is normal, but you do not produce semen.
If you still want to have more children, then you should discuss this with your surgeon before the procedure.
Some people need to have another procedure if your symptoms come back.